• What is Cosign AI? How Do I get started?

    Cosign AI is a digital assistant for clinicians. It helps manage appointments, take patient histories, record conversations, and generate medical notes efficiently.

    After you login, the first thing you want to do is to add patients to your schedule. To add an appointment, click on the calendar or press "add appointment," select the time, fill in the patient's name, and choose their preferred language.

    Once you have added a patient, you can click on the scheduled appointment to view Cosign's features and get started with "history taking" or "ambient recording" or "note generation."

  • What is the 'history taking' feature with AI assistant Zoe?

    The 'history taking' feature allows clinicians to gather patient history using the AI assistant, Zoe. This can be done directly on the screen or by sending a link to the patient to open in their browser.

    You can customize what data Zoe collects. There's a default set, but you can deselect it and choose from multiple data sets or create your own in "Edit Question Sets" in the Settings page.

  • How do I customize the questions asked during history taking?

    You can customize what data Zoe collects. Create your own in "Edit Question Sets" in the Settings page.

    Example: For a patient with diabetes, Dr. Lee can customize Zoe to collect specific data related to diabetes management, like blood sugar levels, medication adherence, and diet. Dr. Lee goes to "Edit Question Sets," creates a new set named "Diabetes Management," and inputs relevant data for Zoe to ask (eg. "frequency of glucose checks").

  • What is the Ambient recording feature in Cosign AI?

    The Ambient recording feature allows clinicians to record and transcribe voice conversations with patients or add voice memos. This can be started by pressing "start ambient."

    Example: During a consultation, Dr. Green wants to record her conversation with a patient about medication instructions. She presses "start ambient" to begin recording. Later, she can review the transcript to ensure all information is accurately captured in the patient's record.

  • How does the SOAP note generation work in Cosign AI?

    After history taking or ambient voice recordings, Cosign AI generates a SOAP note based on a customizable template. You can edit and save this note as needed. You can use your own smart phrases too!

    Example: After a patient visit, Zoe automatically generates a SOAP note based on the conversation and history taken. Dr. Brown reviews the note, which includes sections like Subjective (patient's feelings), Objective (physical exam findings), Assessment (diagnosis), and Plan (treatment plan).

  • How do I customize the SOAP note template?

    To customize the SOAP note template for a single session, simply access it directly from the note page. Click on "Edit template" to make your changes, and then select "Save and Generate" to apply these modifications exclusively to the current note session. If you wish to update the default template that's used for all notes, you can choose "Save as Default" after editing. Alternatively, permanent changes to the default template can be made through the "Edit SOAP Note Template" option located in the Settings.

    While editing the template, it's important to provide clear directives for each section, ensuring that the relevant information is accurately captured. Remember, your SOAP notes can be tailored to meet your specific needs and don't necessarily have to adhere to the traditional SOAP format. This flexibility allows you to structure your notes in a way that best supports your clinical workflow and patient care.

  • What are smart phrases in Cosign AI, and how do I use them?

    Smart phrases are pre-set phrases or templates you can insert into your notes. Type "." followed by the smart phrase name (e.g. ".BPAdvice"), or ".." to search for a specific phrase. You can add or edit these in the "Edit Smart Phrases" section in settings.

    Example: Dr. Patel frequently advises patients on blood pressure management. She creates a smart phrase named ".BPAdvice" that includes standard advice on diet, exercise, and medication adherence. In her notes, she types ".BPAdvice" to automatically insert this information.

  • What does the 'Sync Data' feature do in the SOAP note section?

    The 'Sync Data' feature replaces wildcards (denoted by "***") in the SOAP note with relevant data from the history taking or voice recordings.

    Example 1: In a SOAP note, Dr. Kim has a section that reads "Pain location: ***." After syncing data from the patient's history, this automatically updates to "Pain location: lower back" based on the patient's input during the history-taking process with Zoe.

    Example 2: In a SOAP note, Dr. Gracia has a section that reads "OD: 20/*** OS: 20/***" After syncing data from the patient's history, this automatically updates to "OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10" based on the voice recording Dr. Garcia has mentioned during ambient recording session.

  • How do I generate an after-visit summary for patients?

    Once you complete the note, you can generate an after-visit summary that can be printed for the patient to take home.

    Example: Dr. Nguyen completes the SOAP note for a patient and then selects the option to generate an after-visit summary. This summary, which includes key points from the visit and follow-up instructions, is printed out for the patient to take home.

  • Can patients access their medical information through Cosign AI?

    Yes, patients can sign up for Cosign AI and access their history taking transcripts, voice recording transcripts, medical notes, and after-visit summaries through their app account.

    Example: After her visit, patient Maria logs into her Cosign AI account. She reviews the transcript of her conversation with Dr. Jones, reads the medical notes, and checks her after-visit summary, which includes follow-up care instructions.

  • What can I customize in the Settings page?

    In the Settings page of Cosign AI, you have several customization options to tailor the system to your specific clinical needs and preferences. Here's a list of things you can customize:

    • Edit Question Sets: Customize the sets of questions that the AI assistant, Zoe, will use during history taking. You can create specific sets for different medical conditions, patient demographics, or types of appointments.

    • Edit SOAP Note Template: Tailor the template for SOAP notes. This customization allows you to structure the notes according to your preferred format or the specific requirements of your practice.

    • Edit Smart Phrases: Create and modify smart phrases. These are shortcuts for commonly used phrases or paragraphs in your medical notes. By setting up smart phrases, you can quickly insert frequently used text, saving time and maintaining consistency in documentation.
